Hello there ! My name is Ammar. I am a software engineer and currently a PhD student in computer science. My research interests are in the field of fog computing. My PhD research is about introducing fog computing into envrionmental observatories.



    October 2023 - Present

    IRISA - Rennes, France

    My PhD research focuses on the introduction of fog computing technologies in environmental observatories. This research aims to bring more computing power closer to the data sources. Observatories are usually deployed in remote areas where there is limited access to the internet and electricity.


    September 2022 - September 2023

    CGI - Cesson-Sévigné, France

    During my work study program at CGI, I was responsible for developing and maintaining a back office application for a client. I worked on the front-end of the application using Angular and on the back-end using Java Spring Boot. I also worked on pioneering a new microservices project for the company using Java Spring Boot and Quarkus.


    May 2022 - September 2022

    CGI - Cesson-Sévigné, France

    During my internship at CGI, I was responsible for developing a data processing tool for the finances of a client. I worked on the Azure Data Factory platform to create a pipeline that would extract, transform and load data from the client's database to a data lake. I also worked on the front-end of the tool using Microsoft PowerApps.


  • PhD

    October 2023 - Present

    University of Rennes - Rennes, France

    My PhD research focuses on the introduction of fog computing technologies in environmental observatories. This research aims to bring more computing power closer to the data sources. Observatories are usually deployed in remote areas where there is limited access to the internet and electricity.

  • Masters in Software Engineering

    September 2021 - September 2023

    University of Rennes - Rennes, France

    We are looking for a full stack developer to join our team. You will be responsible for developing and maintaining web applications, as well as working on new projects. You will work closely with our team to ensure that all projects are completed on time and meet our high standards.

  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science

    September 2018 - September 2021

    University of Rennes - Rennes, France

    We are looking for a full stack developer to join our team. You will be responsible for developing and maintaining web applications, as well as working on new projects. You will work closely with our team to ensure that all projects are completed on time and meet our high standards.

  • High School

    September 2015 - September 2017

    Quincy High School - Quincy, MA, United States

    We are looking for a full stack developer to join our team. You will be responsible for developing and maintaining web applications, as well as working on new projects. You will work closely with our team to ensure that all projects are completed on time and meet our high standards.


Système et Réseaux - SYRE
first semester 2023/2024 and first semester 2024/2025
L3 - Third year of Bachelor
This course is an introduction to computer networks and systems. I was in charge of one group of TDs (Travaux Dirigés) and two groups of TP (Travaux Pratiques) in 2023 and one group of TP in 2024. In total, I had 6 hours of TD and 30 hours of TP in 2023 and 18 hours of TP in 2024.
Système, Cloud et Réseaux - SCR
second semester 2023/2024
L3 - Third year of Bachelor
I was in charge of one group of TP for the cloud part of the course. I had 6 hours of TP in 2023. I also participated in the writing of one lab for the cloud part of the course.
Programmation Dirigée par la Syntaxe - PDS
second semester 2023/2024
M1 IL - First year of Master in Software Engineering
This course is oriented towards the design and implementation of programming languages. I was in charge of one group of TP. I had 16.5 hours of TP in 2023.
first semester 2024/2025
L2 - Second year of Bachelor
An introduction to networks. I am in charge of one group of TP. I have 9 hours of TP in 2024.
PSI - Principe des systèmes informatiques
second semester 2024/2025
L1 - First year of Bachelor
I am in charge of one group of TD and two groups of TP. I have 12 hours of TD and 24 hours of TP in 2024.


Enhancing Observatories With Fog Computing
Ammar Kazem, Guillaume Pierre, and Laurent Longuevergne
SSDBM 2024
Kazem, Ammar, Guillaume Pierre, and Laurent Longuevergne. "Enhancing Observatories With Fog Computing." SSDBM 2024-36th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. 2024.



263 avenue du Général Leclerc 35 042 RENNES cedex

Email Me

ammar dot kazem at irisa dot fr